MIDI Cues from rekordbox

Netsky was setting up a show to run lights during his live streams and came up with a terrific idea: might it be possible to have Beat Link Trigger send simple MIDI cues to his lighting controller based on hot cues created right within rekordbox, without the need to import the track into a show file and draw the cues there?

Indeed, now that we know how to read cue names from the track analysis files, this can be done, and offers a very nice shortcut! Here’s how it works. You can start by downloading the configuration file I created for him and opening that within Beat Link Trigger. That will set up a single trigger called "Cue-driven MIDI Sender" that watches the current Master player.

If you already have triggers of your own that you want to keep, be sure to save your configuration before opening another one! In that case you may want to export your triggers, or manually copy and paste the relevant pieces of code, shown below, into your Shared Functions and Expressions.

Cue-driven trigger


Once you have the functions, expressions, and trigger set up, using it is pretty simple! Within rekordbox, create a memory point or hot cue at the beat where you want a MIDI message to be sent, and then put the string MIDI: followed by the note number that you want to be sent when that beat is reached. For example, a hot cue with MIDI:5 somewhere in its name would send note 5 when that beat is reached. The memory point or hot cue needs to be on a beat for this to work.

If you already have a hot cue or memory point at the beat where you want the MIDI message sent, you can use it instead of creating another one there: just add the MIDI note request to its name.

If you want more than one MIDI note to be sent when that beat is reached, you can list multiple numbers separated by commas (but no spaces or other characters), like MIDI:5,42,100 which would send notes 5, 42, and 100 when reached.

If you enter a number that is not a valid MIDI note (less than 1 or greater than 127), it will be ignored, and a warning about it will be added to the log file when that track is loaded.

Tracks with MIDI cues

If you don’t want to only respond to cues being played on the Master player, you can change the player being watched by the trigger using the Watch menu, and you can use the trigger’s gear or context menu to export it to a file, then create new triggers and import that file into them, so you can have multiple copies watching different players.

Shared Code

How does this all work? And if you don’t want to blow away your configuration by loading the one linked above, how do you add these features to your existing configuration?

This first set of expressions are configured using the Triggers menu at the top of the window.

Shared Functions

The first bit of magic happens by registering some code to watch for tracks to be loaded, and look for the special MIDI note markers in their cue lists. This is supported by a set of shared functions.

If you loaded the configuration file, you don’t need to type these, but may want to read them to learn more about how to create integrations like this. If you are keeping your existing configuration and want to add these new features, then copy and paste these at the end of your Triggers window Shared Functions:

(defonce  (1)
 ^{:doc "Holds a map from player number to a map of cue times for that player.
  The cue time maps are indexed by track position (in milliseconds),
  and their values are sets of MIDI note numbers to send when we reach
  a beat that is within 50 milliseconds of that time. This map is
  built by `find-midi-cues` below whenever the track metadata for a
  player changes."}
  midi-cue-times (atom {}))

(defn valid-midi-notes (2)
  "Given a string containing a comma-delimited series of numbers,
  returns a set consisting of all the numbers which correspond to
  valid MIDI note numbers. Logs warnings for any which do not,
  including the full name of the cue to help identify it."
  [note-string cue-name]
  (reduce (fn [result note]
            (if (<= 1 note 127)  ; Check that the number is a valid MIDI note.
              (conj result note)
              (do  ; No, log warning and ignore this number.
                (timbre/warn "Ignoring invalid MIDI note number" note
                             "from cue" cue-name)
          (map #(Long/valueOf %) (clojure.string/split note-string #","))))

(defn find-midi-cues (3)
  "Scans all the cues and loops found in the supplied track metadata
  looking for any that contain the string MIDI: followed immediately
  by a number. Returns a map whose keys are the track time at which
  each such cue or loop begins, and whose values are sets of the
  number that was found in the cue name(s) that started at that time.
  If there is no track metadata, or it has no cue list, returns
  [^TrackMetadata md]
  (when md
    (when-let [cue-list (.getCueList md)]
      (reduce (fn [result cue]
                (if-let [[_ notes] (re-find #"MIDI:(\d+(,\d+)*)"
                                            (.-comment cue))]  ; Name matches.
                  (update result (.-cueTime cue) (fnil clojure.set/union #{})
                          (valid-midi-notes notes (.-comment cue)))
              {} (.-entries cue-list)))))

(def midi-cue-indexer (4)
  "Responds to the coming and going of track metadata, and updates our
  list of cue-defined beats on which MIDI messages need to be sent."
  (reify org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadataListener
    (metadataChanged [this md-update]
      (swap! midi-cue-times assoc (.player md-update)
                                  (find-midi-cues (.metadata md-update))))))

(defn send-midi-cues-near-time (5)
  "Finds all MIDI cues close enough to the specified time for the
  specified device and sends the corresponding MIDI notes on the
  specified MIDI output and channel."
  [time device-number midi-output midi-channel]
  (doseq [[_ notes] (filter (fn [[cue-time]]
                             (> 50 (Math/abs (- time cue-time))))
                            (get @midi-cue-times device-number))]
        ;; Send note-on messages for each note specified by a cues we reached.
        (doseq [note notes]
          (midi/midi-note-on midi-output note 127 (dec midi-channel)))
        ;; And then immediately send the corresponding note-off messages too.
        (doseq [note notes]
          (midi/midi-note-off midi-output note (dec midi-channel)))))
1 This sets up an atom that will hold an index by player of any cues in that player’s track whose name match the MIDI: pattern, their position within the track, and the MIDI notes that should be sent when the beat at that position is reached.
2 This splits the note-number part of the pattern we matched into a set of actual note numbers, rejecting and warning about any numbers that aren’t valid MIDI notes.
3 This takes the metadata that describes a track that has been loaded into a player, and scans through all the hot cues, memory points, and loops in that track, looking for the pattern that identifies a request for MIDI notes. It builds the index structure for that track.
4 This creates an object that can be registered with the Beat Link library to update the MIDI cue index whenever there is new information about a track loaded in a player by calling the functions above.
5 This is a helper function called by the trigger whenever the track has moved to a new beat. It uses the index to see if it’s supposed to send any MIDI notes, and sends them.

Global Setup Expression

When the configuration file is loaded, this arranges for the indexing function to be run as tracks come and go:

(.addTrackMetadataListener metadata-finder midi-cue-indexer)

Global Shutdown Expression

When the Triggers window is being closed, or a different configuration file is being loaded, this to unregistes our indexer:

(.removeTrackMetadataListener metadata-finder midi-cue-indexer)

Trigger Code

The rest of the code goes in the trigger itself. If you didn’t load the configuration file, create a new trigger, type "Cue-driven MIDI Sender" for its comment, set it to Watch the Master Player, set its Enabled filter to Always, and its Message to Custom, as shown above.

You can close the Activation Expression editor that gets opened up without typing anything in there, because this is an unusual trigger that sends messages at times other than when it activates or deactivates. But we still want to have Message set to Custom because we don’t want stray MIDI messages being sent just because the track started or stopped.

Set the MIDI Output and Channel to where you want the MIDI messages to go. And then it’s time for the final expressions that tie this all together. These are edited using the trigger’s gear or context menu:

Beat Expression

This is run whenever a beat packet is received from the watched player, so it is a great place to check if it is time to send any MIDI cues using the helper function we looked at above:

;; We can only run when a valid MIDI output is chosen,
;; and the TimeFinder is running.
(when (and trigger-output track-time-reached)
  ;; Record that this beat has been handled, and
  ;; the Tracked Update expression can ignore it.
  (swap! midi-cue-times assoc-in [:sent device-number] beat-number)
  ;; Send the MIDI cues, if any, falling on this beat.
  (send-midi-cues-near-time track-time-reached device-number
                            trigger-output trigger-channel))

If you read the comments in that code, they foreshadowed an issue: One thing that makes running shows based on the Pro DJ Link protocol challenging is that you don’t always get beat messages when you want them. If you are playing through a track and pass over a beat, you’re golden, you get the packet. But if you start the track at a beat, or jump to a hot cue that is at a beat, then sometimes you don’t receive the beat packet, because the track was already a tiny bit past the precise beat moment.

So that is what led to the most tricky code here (and in the Show feature). Here’s how we work around it.

Tracked Update Expression

This is run whenever we get a status update from a player, which happens around five times per second. We can use it to see if we have started playing without getting a beat packet, or if we have jumped to a new beat because of a hot cue or memory point.

;; We can only run when playing, a valid MIDI output is chosen,
;; and the TimeFinder is running.
(when (and playing? trigger-output track-time-reached)
  ;; Do nothing if the current beat has already been handled.
  (when (not= beat-number (get-in @midi-cue-times [:sent device-number]))
    ;; Note that this beat's been handled for next time.
    (swap! midi-cue-times assoc-in [:sent device-number] beat-number)
    ;; Send the MIDI cues, if any, for the point where playback began.
    ;; We assume playback began at the start of the current beat.
    (let [grid    (.getLatestBeatGridFor beatgrid-finder device-number)
          started (.getTimeWithinTrack grid beat-number)]
      (send-midi-cues-near-time started device-number
                                trigger-output trigger-channel))))

Both the Beat Expression and this Tracked Update expression make a special entry in the index atom to report when they have handled a particular beat, so this code doesn’t send that beat’s MIDI notes more than once.

If the current beat hasn’t been marked as already handled, this code finds the start time of the current beat, looks up any notes that should be sent for it, and sends them in the same way the Beat Expression did.

With those two expressions in place, it doesn’t matter how a beat is reached, its notes (if any) get sent.

Deactivation Expression

One final nice touch: if the DJ stops the track, we want to clear out the notion of what beat was handled, so that when the track starts up again, cues can get sent for it:

;; Clear record of last beat handled since the player is stopping.
;; If we restart in this same location, we should evaluate cues again.
(swap! midi-cue-times update :sent dissoc device-number)

And that’s all the code! Although there is a fair bit, considering how handy a new feature it implements, I was happy to see how compact and clean it could be.

If you have any questions about using this, or ideas about new directions to take it, please raise them on the Gitter channel.